Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Silly girls

Don't let this fool you . . .


Here is Aubrei

Aubrei is SIXTEEN and a junior at Sheridan High School.  She is amazing and talented and the hardest working teenager I know (when she wants to be).  We all adore her and are still a little shell shocked that she is old enough to date.  It all happened way too fast  :)

You are amazing sweet girl!

Miss Ainsli's turn

Ainsli is eleven years old and in the fifth grade.  She is working hard at dance and tumbling and has recently started designing and making clothes.  She keeps us hopping and let's us know exactly how she feels, but we love her so much and are so thankful she was given that kind of strength to combat this stinky old world :)

Love you pretty girl!

Brodyn's school pics

Our sweet boy, Brodyn, is in 1st grade this year and 7 years old.  He is doing wonderful in school and has an amazing teacher.  He is still our love bug, but growing more independent every day.  He loves his big sisters, and is having a tough time with Aubrei dating :)

Love you buddy!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Check out this cutie!

Thanks again Ashley!  Your little guy is so precious - hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sneak Peek

The Katschkes haven't seen their photos yet because I'm still working on their Christmas cards . . . so here is a sneak peek (mostly for Amy :)  You are the best, thanks so much!

Family pictures - Bybees and Eastleys

First of all I want to thank all the families that allow me to take their pictures.  I feel like I learn more each time and I truly love it!

It was fun seeing Misti and her family again.  Since they moved to the other ward we don't see them.  (I'm sensing a theme here :)  Thanks again you guys!

I also got to take pictures of the Eastley family.  They are a great family (their little girl has me smitten - what a cutie!)